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Es irónico ver como Hollywood, critica, condena, censura, hace mofa, revela, contradice y expone a nuestro gobierno y sistema de gobierno, sin embargo en la vida real miles de actores liberales, son los primeros en respaldar presidentes, candidatos a presidencia inmorales, injustos, abusivos, destructores de la Constitución, desertores de la justicia, antagonistas de la familia, criminales, mentirosos patológicos, burladores del matrimonio bíblico-tradicional establecido por Dios de varón y hembra, corruptos, abusivos del poder designado a ellos por el pueblo. Dios juzgará tanto a los de Hollywood, como a los políticos corruptos que ellos mismos emplazan para sus agendas políticas satánicas! Lo triste del caso es que hay "Cristianos" que los disfrutan a ambos, y los apoyan a ambos, a los actores liberales de Hollywood y a los políticos corruptos y mentirosos de Washington o que aspiran a Washington. Por eso es que estamos viendo la más grande apostasía. Estos son los últimos tiempos!

It is ironic to see how Hollywood, criticizes, condemns, censures, mocks, reveals, contradicts and exposes our government and our government system, nevertheless in real life, thousands of liberal actors and actresses, are the very first ones to support presidents, and presidential candidates that are inmoral, unrighteous, abusive, destructive of our Constitution, deserters of justice, antagonists of the family, criminals, pathological liars for decades, mockers of the traditional-biblical marriage as established by God between a man and a woman, abusive of the power given to them by the people. God will judge not only those fake actors of Hollywood, but the corrupt politicians as well, which are the same that are entitled for their satanic political agendas! The sad situation is that there are Christians that enjoy both, and support both, both the liberal actors or Hollywood as well as the corrupt and lying politicians, that aspire to go to Washington. No wonder we are seeing the greatest apostasy! These are the ending times!

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