Eternal Rock Church International, Inc.
1056 E Brandon Blvd, Brandon, FL 33511
Una Iglesia con Propósito y de Propósito. Un Ministerio Bilingüe Dinámico.
A Church with Purpose and of Purpose. A Bilingual Dynamic Ministry.
En las facilidades de Roca Eterna/ At the facilities of Eternal Rock Church
Las 7 C's de Nuestra Misión
“Una Misión con la Visión de Dios en la Fe de Cristo…”
"A Mission with the Vision of God in the Faith of Christ..." Hechos/Acts 1:8
1. ES NUESTRA MISION... CENTRALIZARNOS EN CRISTO, MAGNIFICANDOLO Y ADORANDOLO COMO SEÑOR y Salvador. It is our Mission... To Centralize our lifes in Christ, magnifying and worshipping Him as Lord and Savior (Mateo/Matthew 16:18-19) Magnificar y Adorar a Cristo, es el más grande propósito para el cual hemos sido creados por Dios. Amarlo a El por sobre todas las cosas y tenerlo a El como nuestra primera prioridad es el mayor mandamiento. Es nuestro propósito llegar a ser un ministerio donde nuestra mayor actividad es honrar, adorar, magnificar y amar a Dios por sobre toda actividad y/o propósito humano, en todo lo que hacemos y decimos.
It is our Mission... To Centralize our lives in Christ, magnifying and worshiping Him as Lord and Savior (Matthew 16:18-19) To Magnify and to Worship Christ, is the greatest purpose for which we have been created by God. To love Him above all things and to have Him as our first priority is our greatest commandment. It is our purpose to become a ministry which our major activity is to honor, to worship, to magnify and to love God above all human activity and/or purpose, in everything we do and say.
Establecer un lugar de sanidad para el herido y lastimado espiritual, emocional y físico. Donde el rechazado, el oprimido y el menos privilegiado se sienta amado, aceptado y animado. Proveer para el hambriento y necesitado.
It is our Mission... To Constitute A place of Refuge (Jeremiah 17:17).
To establish a place of healing for the spiritually, emotional and physically hurt. Where the dispised and rejected, the oppressed and the least privileged be loved, accepted and encouraged. To provide food for the needy and the hungry.
3. ES NUESTRA MISION... COMPARTIR A CRISTO A TODA PERSONA QUE NO LE CONOCE COMO SALVADOR… (Filipenses 3:12) COMPARTIR a Jesús y Comunicar las Buenas Nuevas (Mateo 28:18, 19) a aquellos que no tienen a Jesús, conducirlos a Cristo, y asimilarlos en el compañerismo de la Familia de Dios en Cristo, que es la iglesia, porque “El que gana almas es sabio.” “La iglesia local es la expresión visible de la iglesia invisible y espiritual de Cristo.”
It is our Mission... To Commune (To Share) Christ to every person that does not know Him as Savior…(Phil 3:12). TO SHARE Jesus and Communicate the Good News (Matthew 28:18, 19) to those who do not have Jesus, lead them to Christ, and assimilate them in the fellowship of the Family of God in Christ, which is the church, because “He who win souls is wise. ” "The local church is the visible expression of the invisible and spiritual church of Christ."
(Efesios 4: 11-16)
Nuestra Misión es Desarrollar discípulos espirituales, maduros y estables, utilizando como recurso la Palabra de Dios enseñada en el templo, los Grupos familiares o Grupos de Apoyo, estudios bíblicos dinámicos, seminarios, retiros y por medio del Taller de Entrenamiento y Aprovechamiento Ministerial (T.E.A.M.).
It is our Mission... To Continue Growing with the Growth that is given by God. (Ephesians 4: 11-16)
Our mission is to develop spiritual disciples, mature and stable, using as a resource the Word of God taught in the temple, family groups or support groups, dynamic Bible studies, seminars, retreats and through the Ministerial Training and Achievement Workshop (T.E.A.M.) Training Engaging Advancing Ministering).
5. ES NUESTRA MISION... CONFORMARNOS A CRISTO, CAPACITANDO A DISCIPULOS COMPROMETIDOS Y ESTABLECER UN LUGAR DE DESCUBRIMIENTO Y AUTORIDAD. LUGAR DE DESCUBRIMIENTO Y CAPACITACION. It is our Mission... To Capacitate, to Provide Capable Equipping of mature believers for Ministry. A Place for discovering and autority (empowerment). (Efesios 4:12,13; Hechos 1:8). CAPACITAR, equipar a cada creyente de nuestra familia de la fe, hasta que descubra el propósito de Dios y su ministerio significativo dentro del cuerpo de Cristo, ayudándoles a descubrir los dones y talentos que Dios le ha dado y utilizarlos para la edificación, consolación y exhortación de la iglesia. (1ra. Corintios 12: 13 y 14).
It is our Mission... To Capacitate, to Provide Capable Equipping of mature believers for Ministry. A Place for discovering and autority (empowerment). (Ephesians 4:12,13; Acts 1:8). TO TRAIN... To Equip each believer in our family of faith, until he discovers God's purpose and significant ministry within the body of Christ, helping them discover the gifts and talents God has given him and use them for edification, consolation and exhortation of the church. (1st Corinthians 12: 13 and 14).
6. ES NUESTRA MISION... COMISIONAR CRISTIANOS MADUROS PARA SU MISION EN LA VIDA, QUE DIOS LE DIO. (Mateo 28:19, 20) COMISIONAR... enviar cientos de personas a cumplir la Gran Comisión como ministros, misioneros, evangelistas y plantadores de iglesias por todas partes, conforme Dios nos guíe en la visión. Y que cada creyente desarrolle SU MISION y propósito divino como discípulo, para que a su vez enseñe a otros.
It is our Vision... To Commission Mature Christians for their MISSION in life, given by God. (Matthew 28:19, 20) TO COMMISSION ... To send hundreds of people to fulfill the Great Commission as ministers, missionaries, evangelists and church planters everywhere, as God guides us in the vision. And may each believer develop HIS MISSION and divine purpose as a disciple, so that he in turn teaches others.
7. ES NUESTRA MISSION... CONSTRUIR UN LUGAR DE REALIZACION O ALCANCE. (Romanos 8:28, 29) CONSTRUIR… Adquirir con la ayuda de Dios las facilidades adecuadas donde podamos desarrollar el CENTRO DE OPERACIONES para el ministerio múltiple que Dios nos ha dado. Mientras tanto, en el proceso Adoraremos a Dios juntos, Honraremos a Cristo y nos gozaremos en el Espíritu Santo, con la meta y propósito de realizar solo EL PLAN DE DIOS.
It is our Mission... A place of Realization or Achievement (Romans 8:28, 29)
BUILD… Acquire with the help of God the adequate facilities where we can develop the OPERATION CENTER for the multiple ministry that God has given us. Meanwhile, in the process we will worship God together, we will honor Christ and enjoy ourselves in the Holy Spirit, with the goal and purpose of realizing only THE PLAN OF GOD.