Si no quieres ser mi amigo ni mi hermano por lo que represento, por lo que creo, por mis convicciones, y por servir a quien sirvo, esto es a Cristo, eres libre de hacerlo. Se llama libertad. Usted no está obligado a permanecer como mi amigo y amiga, si eso es causa de esclavizarte a una relación de amistad que no valoras o aprecias. "Porque vosotros, hermanos, a libertad fuisteis llamados..." (Gal. 5:13)
Freedom! If you don't want to be my friend or my brother (sister) for what I represent, for what I believe, for my convictions, and for serving the one whom I serve, that is Christ, you are free to do it. It is called freedom. You are not obligated to remain my friend it that causes you to become a slave of a relationship that you may not value or appreciate. "Because brothers, all of you have been called to freedom..."